Wednesday, August 4, 2010

baroque bracelet

Last Saturday I went to my first craft class.  The subject was grungepaper and grungeboard and what could be made with the stuff.  We were shown how to make the ubiquitous gp rose and a watch strap.  There wasn't time to decorate the things that we had made so they were taken home to be finished.   I couldn't  finish properly the watch strap as I don't have a watch to attach to it.
So I had a go at making a bracelet..........

this is it on my wrinkly wrist.........

I am quite pleased with it and have no idea when and if I will actually wear it but I have learnt a lot about grungestuff.   I wanted to punch the ends with a  Martha Stewart 'iron railings' punch but it didn't work and the little bits got stuck in the punch!

Must try a smaller flower OR make another large one as a hair ornament.

regards Joan